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InSight of the Moon
Physical Journal & Planner

Weekly & Monthly Planning ~ Dateless


Step into Harmony
with the
Moon Cycles + Cosmos
When you're ready UNLOCK the mysteries of the Moon!
Are you ready to . . . 
  • Unlock the Mysteries of the Moon
  • Protect Your Energy
  • Raise Your Vibration

When frustration builds because
the same old situation keeps popping up . . . 

And you're just done.

It's time to . . .

  • Stop beating yourself up.
  • Release the heart-racing anxiety.
  • Start living the life you were born to live.

Get the Guidance on What to Do to Harness the Energies of
CURRENT Energetic, Astrological, + Lunar Events

That most people don’t even know are impacting their lives in major ways!!!

There is so much happening around us
all of the time
that we are unaware of . . .

What if you knew how to tap into unseen resources

Anyone CAN, but most never do . . .

It’s time to live the life you were born to live!!!


InSight Of the Moon Journal


Dateless ~ 12 Months

Unlock the mysteries of the Moon with the
Sacred Practices, InSights, and the latest Celestial happenings!

Unlock the Mysteries of the Moon

with Sacred Knowledge + Rituals

Reveal blind spots and overcome blocks while getting access to hidden information around what’s important NOW. And receive a highly specialized set of energy recipes, that align with the rhythms of the moon!

Unique sacred rituals that include:

* Affirmations
* Guided Meditations
* Crystal Grids for Manifesting
* Sacred Geometric Shapes / Mandalas
* Connection to the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)
* Increased knowledge of zodiac signs and their meanings for YOU
* Sacred rituals to nourish your spirit and feed your soul
* Sharpen intuition and work with Oracle or Tarot cards to help
* Crystal practices
* Self accountability
* Energy and mood tracking

Claim your destiny and stop letting the winds of fate decide.

One year of practices to raise your vibration!

(Valued at $120)

Leverage the Lunar Cycles

Astrological Patterns

So many people are unaware of how the Moon is impacting them. They are constantly and wrongfully blaming themselves or shaming themselves for not doing enough, or acting in a certain way, or feeling a certain way. If they only knew what was happening with the Moon and the rest of the cosmos, it would all make so much more sense and give them more control and freedom over their own choices. 

(Valued at $60)

​Sacred Geometric Mysteries Revealed

Align with your Energetic Blueprint

Amplify your connection to Spirit, find harmony in co-creation, and tap into manifesting made easy. This ancient science can be used to explore, explain, and harness the energy patterns that are shaping your world.

12 Sacred Geometric shapes and the practices to shift your consciousness!

(Valued at $120)

Wisdom through Crystals

Protect Your Energy

Use this insider information on the best crystal to use to align your energy with your heart's desire!

One year of crystal practices to protect your energy!

(Valued at $60)

Harness the Energy of the Moon

Discover the patterns

Full Moon Revelations + New Moon Secrets Revealed

Each month there are multiple ways for you to sync up with the Mysteries of the Moon. Discover how to use oracle cards to tune into the energy of the Moon. Track the cycles of the Moon and reveal your energy patterns with more clarity! Recognize when your energy tends to be high and harness it to start that new project. And know when it's time for deep rest.

(Valued at $60)

Raise Your Vibration Tracking

Use Measurable Goals

With my signature tracking system, you can track, modify, and measure your unique Moon practices. This knowledge will reveal the patterns that cause stumbling blocks and those that raise your frequency!

(Valued at $60)

Physical Dateless Journal

✨Limited Edition ✨

Use the journal at your pace. With dateless pages you can create your own unique rhythm with the Moon! There is 12 months of sacred practices and rituals to play with as your heart desires!

This is a print on demand limited edition.


Recorded Reading from Irena

When you join InSight of the Moon Membership before tonight, April 2, 2021, at 10 PM ET (including those who just signed up after March 22, 2021) you will receive a gift of a recorded reading from me, to be delivered over email in the next month.

(Valued at $100)



Insiders Guide to Meditating!

Meditation Secrets to Find Answers

Ready to discover new possibilities without leaving the comfort of your couch?
Ready to move on, leave something behind, and start something new? 

What my students say they love about me is that I offer a variety of practices to match their unique needs.
You were born with particular gifts and talents!
Let's start there!

Everyone has a Meditating Super Power - What's your's?

Even if you've never meditated or think your mind will never slow down enough . . . 
This program offers you unique perspective on why that's been the case.
You just didn't have the right kind of meditation practice at your fingertips.



Today's Price
=> $60

Watch a Behind the Scene's Look into the Journal!


What you receive in this journal . . .

  • Unlock the Mystery of the Moon​​ (Value $120)
  • Leverage the Lunar Cycles (Value $60)
  • ​Sacred Geometric Mysteries Revealed  (Value $120)
  • Wisdom through Crystals​​ (Value $60)
  • Harness the Energy of the Moon (Value $60)
  • ​​Raise Your Vibration Tracking (Value $60)
  • ​Hardcover Gold Foil Physical Planner 


Today's Price => $60

How I use the Journal!

after working with me...
step into the life you were born to live
I used to think I could do it myself.
Independence and self-sufficiency are a deep part of who I am. Yet, buying hundreds of courses, thousands of books never helped as much as having a guide explain to me the nuances that weren't in the books. And a Community to share and witness my journey. Who else could confirm that I wasn't the only one feeling that way? 

Nuances and intentions can be lost in translation without a knowledgeable guide.

I realized that having a community to share and learn with enabled me to go light years ahead, then when I was trying to do it all alone. Like the fabulous saying, "You want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

There is that light bulb moment when you realize that one of the greatest joys is being able to play and share your journey with others. They help keep you accountable, pick you up when you're feeling low, and you get to be of service to others. 

Coming together to do this work means that you are ready for rapid growth and to be a lighthouse to others who wish for joy and peace in their lives.

Over the last 25 years, I have been using my unique methods and proven processes to connect to that higher vibration and stop the toxic cycles. ⁣⁣My intention today is to continue to be the expert energy guide for visionary empath like you.  

As an Energy Alchemist I draw from my 20+ years of teaching yoga, meditation, and energy work.

I am a Certified Yoga Teacher - 500 E-RYT YACEP with the Yoga Alliance
Certified Natural Rhythms Priestess
Certified Crystal Healer
Certified Tarot Reader
Spiritual Life Coach
Certified and Initiated in 5 different styles of energy, plus deep study into many more
Sekhem, Sekheim, Reiki, IQM, Quantum Physics, Energy Medicine, Balancing Chakras, Crystals, Sacred Rituals, Clearing Space, Tuning Forks.

Step into Harmony with the Cycles of the Moon
Discover the best practices to help you tune into the CURRENT ENERGY.

Energetic “Weather Reports”
specifically around the Current Astrological Events:

Weekly Energetic Weather Reports

So many people are unaware of what’s impacting them. They are constantly and wrongfully blaming themselves or shaming themselves for not doing enough, or acting in a certain way, or feeling a certain way. If they only knew what was happening astrologically, it would all make so much more sense and give them more control and freedom over their own choices.

Many of my clients use these “weather reports” to make beneficial/good/confident decisions around their love life and their careers. For example when to launch, is it the right time to buy a house, get married, break-up, move, ask for that raise, leave that company, shut down that business, or launch a new business.

(Valued at $100)

Tarot Parties

Monthly Tarot Parties to get guidance on your questions.

Reveal blind spots and overcome blocks while getting access to hidden information around what’s important NOW. Access guidance around what action steps can be taken next and use the Tarot to your unique advantage. 

(Valued at $100)

Sacred Rituals 

Step by Step Practice

Access to a highly specialized set of energy recipes, that align with current events, to take action on your destiny and stop letting the winds of fate decide.

(Valued at $400)

Monthly Manifestation Mandalas

Step by Step Practice

Timely Rituals, Guidance, and InSights using sacred geometric shapes, crystal grids, oracle cards, and affirmations to manifest with greater ease. Harness the lunar cycles and current astrological events as they happen in real time.

(Valued at $100)

Daily InSights 

Guidance on Dissolving Energetic Blocks

Connect to and Create your heart’s deepest desires with InSightful explorative questions and inspirations. Remember who you are and wake up to your calling.

(Valued at $100)

Community Connection

Connect with Kindred Spirits

Insightful prompts designed to inspire conversation and connection around the benefits of the natural energetic world. 

(Valued at $100)

Q+A with Irena once a month

Ask her anything

Chakras, crystals, mudras, mantras, meditations, tuning forks, colors, energy healing tarot, how to read your natal charts, mala beads, to name a few.

(Valued at $300)

Energy Tune-Up

Chakras need to be balanced? Feeling off? Limiting Beliefs?

Each month there will be an Energy Tune-Up session in the group. Experience channeled healing energy, tuning forks, personalized tarot card readings, natal chart readings, specialized energy recipes for rituals, mudras, mantras, meditations, crystal grids, to name a few possibilities.

(Valued at $300)

Special Discounts

Just for Members

As an InSight Moon Member, receive special discounts and exclusive offers to Irena’s Retreats, Teacher Training, Private Tarot Readings, and Energy Sessions. 




Recorded Reading from Irena

When you join InSight of the Moon Membership before tonight, April 2, 2021, at 10 PM ET (including those who just signed up after March 22, 2021) you will receive a gift of a recorded reading from me, to be delivered over email in the next month.

(Valued at $100)

Today's Price $67
=> $37 / month

or save $147 
=> $297 /annually - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions